Presence and Essence
What people remember. The presence in this place. Becoming what we already are. Don Whetstine is my chaplaincy predecessor and mentor. I...
Loving, Building, and Being
Loving my world. What we’re building. Being two people. As I looked over my journals from years ago, I remember the struggle. I remember...
Who is the Greatest?
Becoming like little children. Pursuit of the kingdom. A parent’s job. In the story from Matthew chapter eighteen, Jesus teaches the...
Patience and Faithfulness
Brevity and clarity. A time of waiting. Faithful to the disciplines Three years ago, I was reading Several Short Sentences About Writing....
Wish for What the World Needs
Wise wishing. The universe conspires to help you. What the world needs. My dad told the story of three men on a deserted island who came...
The Trees and the Woods are Alive
6-2-62. Our transformed and renewed tree of life. The woods are still alive and growing. That was the birthdate of a new family tree. 62...