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Connected and Kind

Nothing can separate us. 

From last to first. 

Be kind. 


I keep returning to the passage in Romans 8 where Paul says, “I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love.” I guess that resonates, because I need that assurance. Because sometimes I do feel lonely, depressed, and disconnected. Even though I know I am part of this kingdom here on earth, and this family of God, I have to return to that passage. NOTHING can separate us from God’s love. I need that love, and I need to share that love. I need that assurance as do those around me. It is mine to love as I know I am loved. Every day. As if it is my last day. As if it is my first day. 

Leanne Delle said, “Live each day as though it’s your first. If we live each day full of wonder and appreciation while discovering a genuine sense of joy, I believe that motivation for our truest passion would be more likely to present itself.”  

Leanne is a speaker, a writer, and a registered nurse. She gave a talk titled, Don't Live Each Day As If It Were Your Last. Her message was about how we can shift our focus to living each day as if it were our first. Having a "last day" mentality is good, because it reminds us that time is valuable. But we don’t want to neglect our responsibilities to ourselves and to others. The "first day" mentality is good, because it reminds us to focus on joy and appreciation of each new day and each new moment. If we're not careful, the “last day” practice can create a self-centered mindset, but the “first day” practice creates more awareness, allowing us to live with wonder and awe of life. ALL of life. And with this awareness, we are better equipped to participate in life and interact with reverence and gratefulness and clarity see the true gift of each day and each moment. Even in the day-to-day, mundane routines and responsibilities, we can more fully live life with true passion and deep presence with our world and those who surround us. 

Scottish author and theologian Ian MacLaren wrote, “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.” Today, may I live today is if it my first and my last, reminding everyone I meet that nothing can separate us from God’s love. And may I be kind. 

Photo by Adam Nemeroff on Unsplash


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