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Faith and Wonder

The only thing that counts. 

Doing what’s worth doing. 

The wonder is more than enough. 


In Galatians 5:6, Paul writes “The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.” I find this line is a great way to ground and recenter me. Lives of faith look very different from person to person, and I love this point: what matters is how we express our faith. If we can express our faith in love, we are in a good place to love our neighbors as we were commanded. 

Robert Schuller poses the question, “What would you do if you knew you could not fail?” To live life well, we need meaningful goals. What we do matters. So, I often reflect on what matters, and what can I do. As I think about our very different lives of faith, it's clear that we each have our unique call to action. We each have hearts that cry for us to express our faith through love and through what we love.  

I often think about my heart’s cry. To live life well and to serve others. My way of living and serving is through making connections in my faith life, my family life, and my community life. Learning, experiencing, teaching, coaching, chaplaincy, and writing. It feeds my soul when I live well and serve others. I often struggle, but it is where I find my deepest joy. This is my treasure and my gift: to participate in and appreciate this life I share with those around me. Listening to the cry of my hear and expressing my faith through love.  

Brené Brown offers us a follow up question to Schuller's question, “What’s worth doing even if I fail?” What is a meaningful, unconditional pursuit? The answer is to follow our heart’s cry. Rich Mullins’s song, the Other Side of the World, begins with children singing a beautiful song in their native Thai. The translation encourages us to "Pray to God, until you find peace; I invite you to come, I invite you to come and try Him and see, please come try Him and see; Pray to God, until you find peace." With the Wonder is another Mullins song from this same album. Rich demonstrates profound spiritual awareness and shares a simple truth. “You filled this world with wonder, and I’m filled with the wonder of Your world.” Today, I pray we may all be filled with wonder, awe, and gratitude for the abundance that inspires us to do what’s worth doing. 

Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash


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