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Lisa and Josh and Children and Jesus

"Lisa is the best person

in the world to tell a story to.

She is like totally engaged and excited

about everything you say."

Our family was together for supper.

Lisa was in from Wyoming.

And as always, she brought with her

energy, joy, and enthusiasm.

And the gift of attention.

She is a gifted storyteller who can breathe excitement and life into everyday experiences and have the whole room listening and hanging onto every word. She has a way of noticing and sharing and connecting that turns a conversation into an event. Listeners are drawn in as she builds the story and as her facial expressions become more and more intense and her waving hands become more and more animated. Her delivery is an art. The flow of her stories are interrupted only by moments when she laughs at herself searching for the perfect word or phrasing. The payoff is always worth it to the listen. Storytelling is one of the qualities people love about Lisa. She pays attention to the people and the world around her and is truly in love with the beauty of life.

So yes, she is very good storyteller.

But she is even a better listener.

This is the quality Josh noticed.

Lisa brings the same intensity to listening that she brings to storytelling. I guess I've always known that, but until Josh wrapped words around it, I hadn't quite seen it so clearly. Josh's noticing was a great catch. Maybe because he himself is a great storyteller and lover of life. I'm guessing that is what caught his attention. He sees and appreciates those qualities in his Aunt Lisa. This great role model of listening, paying attention, noticing, and being in awe.

Lisa constantly connects on a deep level and immerses herself in the lives of people around her. Storytelling and story-listening with intensity.

In Matthew 19:14 Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” I think what Jesus loved about children was their curiosity and wonder and awe. I think he loved how children can be completely present and lost in the moment.

I like to imagine those moments when Jesus had so much going on around him. So many things to do. So much important work on his mind weighing him down. I like to imagine in those moments, Jesus catching a glimpse of these children around him. Smiling and laughing and full of pure joy. Seeing these precious lives who were "totally engaged and excited" as Josh might say. I like to imagine those moments when Jesus just becomes lost in the wonder and admiration of their energy and joy and excitement.

I love that Jesus noticed this

and admired this quality

in those precious children.

I love that Josh noticed this

and admired this quality

in our precious Lisa.

We can all learn from Jesus.

And from those children.

And from Lisa.

And from Josh.

So today, I challenge you to call attention to the beauty and wonder and specialness of the people around you and the stories they tell. Notice the precious lives around you. Pay attention. Connect on a deep level. Get lost in the moments. And be little more like Lisa and Josh today.


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