Hello, November
I notice that a lot of my journals on the first of a month begin with a welcome, saying “hello” to the new month and thank you and...
A Keystone, a Vow, and the Gift
Looking back over my past few October 21st journals, it’s clear that I take much more time to pause and breathe more and more often. I've...
Because That's What Neighbors Are
I’ve heard it said that love never fails , and that seems a straightforward scripture. But I fear that I often forget, miss, or overlook...
Connected and Kind
Nothing can separate us. From last to first. Be kind. I keep returning to the passage in Romans 8 where Paul says, “I am...
Destination, Direction, Path, and Steps
Aggregation of marginal gains. Think like a gardener, work like a carpenter. A direction in life, and a step in this day. Small...
Adventure, Happiness, and Love
The successful adventure. The four pillars of happiness. The opposite of fear is love. “The effect of the successful adventure of...
Holiness, Hidden and Revealed
Be holy in all you do. Rediscover the wonder and joy of life. Holiness, hidden and revealed. Those are strong words, especially...
Rooted and Filled
In Ephesians chapter three, Paul writes, “I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together will all the...
The Work of a Lifetime
Early in my coaching career, we struggled as a team. I enjoyed the kids, the team comradery, and the shared experience of athletic...
deep, meaningful, reckless aspiration
The last couple of days, I’ve written in my journals about finding my rhythm and trusting the flow. This is what it means to live deeply....